Wildlife conservationists are working to help save Jaguars from extinction.
Jaguars are a big cat species that live in the Americas. These gorgeous big cats are found in ecosystems like the Amazon rainforest. There are not many big cat species that are found in the world; there are only a few big cat species that exist in the world today. These big cat species include - lions, tigers, leopards, and jaguars.
Jaguars are mostly found in South America. They are also found in Central America and a small part of the Southern United States.
What Is Their Conservation Status?
The conservation status of the Jaguar is 'near threatened'.
As a near-threatened species, it means that these beautiful big cats are nearly threatened with extinction today. They are only two steps away from becoming an endangered species in the wild, which is why wildlife conservation work is important for these big cats today. Successful wildlife conservation work could help prevent the Jaguars from becoming endangered and extinct.
What Wildlife Conservation Work Is Happening?

Wildlife conservationists are carrying out new work to help save Jaguars.
It has recently been reported that wildlife conservationists are trying to save the Jaguar by breeding male and female Jaguars. The female Jaguar is a Jaguar that has lived in captivity, and the male Jaguar is a Jaguar that lives in the wild.
The conservationists are breeding these two Jaguars, in the hope that it can save the species in Argentina's northern forests and preventing them from dying out there.
This type of conservation work - of breeding a captive Jaguar and a wild Jaguar - is thought to be the first time that this has ever happened. It is something that could offer hope to these beautiful big cats and create a path which leads to a brighter future for Jaguars.