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  • Writer's pictureJennifer J

UK Elephant Ivory Ban Comes Into Effect

Beautiful Elephants

A UK elephant ivory ban has come into effect.

The elephant ivory ban came into effect in the UK on the 6th of June 2022; the ivory ban has taken several years to be implemented in law.

But, now that it has been passed into law, the UK government's ivory ban aims to protect elephants and other animals.

This ivory ban will make it illegal for people to sell ivory in the UK and it will also ban people from inside the UK from selling ivory to other countries. However, the ban doesn't go far enough, as there are several exemptions to this new law.

Sadly, elephants are killed for their ivory and that ivory is then sold: elephant poaching like this is one of the main threats to their existence, as thousands of elephants are killed every year for their ivory.

Rhinos also face a similar threat as elephants, as rhinos are also sadly killed for their horns, which also threatens their existence. Banning the sale of rhino horn and ivory is a major way to help save these beautiful animals for the future.

You can read more about this story - here.


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