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  • Writer's pictureJennifer J

Two Adorable Beluga Whales Are Free, After10 Years Of Captivity

Two adorable Beluga Whales are free, after 10 years of captivity.

The two Beluga Whales are called Little Grey and Little White.

Both Little Grey and Little White were rescued from captivity; they were held in in a Chinese aquarium for the past 10 years.

The two Beluga Whales were rescued by the Beluga Whale Sanctuary.

For the first time in ten years, the Beluga Whales have be re-released into the sea.

Pictures taken from the release, captured the Whales smiling...

After 10 years in captivity, these Beluga Whales have been released into a sea sanctuary in Iceland by the Beluga Whale Sanctuary.

Now the cute Whales are set to have a much better life in the sanctuary.

You can learn more about the release - here.

You can see Little Grey and Little White's release below...


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