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Top 5 Amazing Insects You Can Find In Your Garden

Writer's picture: Jennifer JJennifer J

5 Amazing Insects

There are many beautiful insects that are found around the world.

There are even beautiful and amazing insects that we can find right here in the UK and in our own gardens. Our gardens can be a great place to enjoy insects and other wildlife - it is relaxing and fun to observe nature.

Insects also play an important role in ecosystems and the environment. They help to keep ecosystems functioning and create a healthy environment.

There are many species of insects that we can enjoy in our gardens. If you want to help insects thrive in your garden, then there are a few good tips for doing so, so could help insects by planting things like flowers, hedges and trees in your garden. You can also help insects in your garden by creating your very own bug hotel.

By creating space for nature in your garden and, by creating a nature-friendly garden, you can help insects thrive in your garden. In doing so, you will attract some beautiful insects into your garden that you can watch and enjoy.

Let's take a look at the top 5 amazing insects you can find in your garden!

5 Daddy Longlegs

Daddy Longlegs

The daddy longlegs has an unforgettable name.

They are found throughout the summer months and look like a spider that has wings. They also look a bit like a small dragonfly. But, the daddy longlegs is not a dragonfly, they are a crane fly.

Daddy longlegs is often found active at nighttime during the summer in the UK.

4 Moths


Moths are another amazing insect that is found during nighttime.

Moths are also found during the night in the UK, during the summertime. Moths are nocturnal animals, which means that they are active during the night.

Moths are similar looking to butterflies, which is why I like to call these beautiful animals 'night butterflies'. These amazing insects can be found in our gardens.

There is not just one type of moth species found in the UK, there are many. UK Moths estimates that there have been over 2500 different species of moths that have been recorded in the British Isles.

3 Ladybirds


Ladybirds are so cute and brighten up our gardens.

Ladybirds are instantly recognizable with their striking red colour. Ladybirds are also gentle and can fly (which is really cool!).

Surprisingly, the UK has many different species of ladybirds. It is estimated that the UK has around 40 species of ladybirds. But, it's most likely you'll find one of the two most common ladybird species in your garden. The two most common ladybird species are - the seven-spotted ladybird and the two-spotted ladybird.

You are most likely to see the seven-spotted ladybird in your garden.

2 Bumblebees


You know that spring and summer has arrived when bumblebees are about!

Bumblebees are distinct with their yellow and black stripes on their furry body. They are beautiful insects to see in the garden, especially when they are pollinating flowers. Watching them pollinate flowers in the garden is enjoyable to watch.

These amazing bees are also important and essential in nature.

There is estimated to be between 24 and 25 species of bumblebee in the UK.

1 Butterfly


Butterflies are beautiful and colourful.

They are like a touch of heaven on earth the way they grace the sky and fly. They are beautiful to watch when you spot them in the garden, especially when you see them on a flower or around flowers. Butterflies are usually found in the UK during the summertime, but, there are also winter butterflies.

The UK has 59 different species of butterflies.

Butterflies are amazing animals and magical to see in the garden. If you are to do one thing this summer, take time to enjoy the beautiful butterflies, bumblebees, daddy longlegs, ladybirds and moths that you spot in your garden and nature.


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