Springtime has many cute animals!
Now winter is over, spring is in the air, and with it, lots of cute baby animals will be making their way into the world this spring.
Which means, springtime is a great time to see some of the cutest animals in the world. There are also several animals that are associated with springtime.
From cute little bunnies to cute hoping spring lambs - there's many adorable animals to see this season. Let's look at the top 5 cutest spring animals!
5 Blue Tits
Blue tits are one of the cutest birds in the animal kingdom. They are beautiful with their yellow and blue distinct feathers.
Blue tits are one of the smallest birds that come into our gardens. Their small size makes this bird even cuter and, they are also full of personality too.
Baby blue tits only spend around 3 weeks in the nest before they fledge. Blue tits nest from April to June in the UK: an adult female blue tit can lay up to 14 eggs.
4 Baby Deers
Baby deers are one of the cutest animals in the animal kingdom.
There are many different species of deers, but all of them are cute. Baby deers - like roe deers - are one of the many animals born during the springtime. Baby roe deers are usually born in May in the UK, and they are so cute!
Deers are one of the most successful animals in the animal kingdom and are found throughout most of the world today. Despite that though, surprisingly, deers as a whole are near threatened with extinction today, which is two steps away from being endangered, while some individual deer species are endangered today.
Baby deers are known as fawns or calves.
3 Baby Ducks
Baby ducks are also called ducklings.
They are tiny and cute. They also stay close to their mums and will usually follow their mums in a line: which is one of the joyful events to see in the spring.
There are many duck species in the world today. It is estimated that there are over 130 different duck species today. The most common species of duck that is found in the UK today is the mallard duck.
Mallard eggs are laid between March and July in the UK.
2 Lambs
Lambs are one of the cutest animals during the springtime.
They are born in the spring. One of the cutest things about lambs is the joy they show life through the way they jump. Lambs show such enthusiasm and joy for life and the way they jump and are playful is one of the highlights of spring.
The average ewe (a female sheep), has one baby every year when she gives birth each year, but sometimes they can give birth to two lambs.
1 Bunnies
Springtime wouldn't be the same without Easter bunnies.
They are the animal that is most associated with Easter and they are super cute, which is why they deserve the number one spot.
Baby rabbits aren't just known as bunnies, they are also called kittens - just like baby cats are. Baby rabbits can be found both in the wild and as pets: as rabbits are found both in the natural world and as pets.
All of these animals are very cute and make springtime extra special. It is hard to choose one cute spring animal from the next, as they are all adorable.