The Calvert Jubilee Nature Reserve Is Being Destroyed For HS2.
The Calvert Jubilee Nature Reserve is in Buckinghamshire, in England. This nature reserve has been in the hands of the Wildlife Trust since the 1970s. Tragically, now this nature reserve is being destroyed to make way for the high-speed train track - HS2.
The Calvert Jubilee Nature Reserve is 22 acres of land. This nature reserve is managed by the BBO Wildlife Trust. The nature reserve is home to butterflies, wildfowl and flowers - it is a beautiful reserve which is home to many animals.
Now, this nature reserve is starting to be destroyed to make way for HS2. 20% of the Calvert Jubilee Nature Reserve has been taken off the Wildlife Trust and given to HS2 to posses.
The destruction of this nature reserve is heartbreaking, especially during a time when the UK is one of the world's most nature depleted countries and when we are losing species and ecosystems at such an alarming rate.
Scientists believe that the world is now in a sixth mass extinction, because of our destruction of the natural world. We are losing 150 species per day because of our destruction of nature. The last thing the world needs is more destruction of nature. Instead, we need to preserve the natural world.
One way that you can help stand up for nature, is by contacting your MP and ask them to support or introduce policies and legislation which will preserve nature.
Help save the Calvert Jubilee Nature Reserve by contacting your MP - here!