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South Korea To End Bear Bile Farming

Writer's picture: Jennifer JJennifer J

Heartbreaking Image Of Sad Bear In A Cage

It has been reported that bear bile farming is to end in South Korea.

The news that bear bile farming is to end in South Korea, has been reported in 'The Korea Herald'. They report that bear bile farming is to come to an end by 2026 in South Korea; which has also been confirmed by World Animal Protection.

World Animal Protection says:

''The South Korean Ministry of Environment has signed a joint agreement with the Bear Farmers Association and key local animal protection organisations. The agreement sets out a commitment to prohibit bear bile farming and bile extraction from 1 January 2026, and that the signatories agree to co-operate to humanely conserve and care for the remaining live bears.''

It is still sad that it is still going to take a few years for this ban to take full effect, however, it is also great news that there will now be an end to bear bile farming within South Korea, as South Korea is one of the very few countries in the world that has bear bile farming, most countries do not have bear bile farming.

The only other two countries which have bear bile farming is China and Vietnam. However, bear bile farm products can be found outside of China and Vietnam, including in Australia, the USA and Canada.

When people buy products from the bear bile industry, they help keep the cruelty towards bears in these farms going. One of the best ways to help end the cruel bear bile farming industry is to not buy bear bile products.

With South Korea now working to ban bear bile farming by 2026, hopefully, China and Vietnam decide to follow South Korea's lead, to help create a kinder and more compassionate world for these bears, who should be left to be free in the wild.

If you want to learn more about bear bile farming, go - here.


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