Rest in Peace sweet Geronimo the Alpaca.
I'm sorry for the cruel and heartless way that you were treated. I'm sorry that you spent your final moments on earth in fear and treated cruelly - you did not deserve that sweet Geronimo.
You were too good for this world.
I hope that you are at peace over the rainbow bridge with all the other animals and that you are in a much better, peaceful and loving place than this earth.
Looking at your pictures, I can see your love and cheekiness. I see that you had so much love and trust in you - I wish that people could learn that love from you.
I'm sorry some humans betrayed your trust and gentle nature.

I think those who cruelly took you, Geronimo, could learn from you, could learn love, could learn the value of life, could learn from your playful and joyous spirit.
If only we could learn more from animals like you Geronimo.
You were loved, I can tell. I can tell that you were loved and well looked after by your owner. And, others loved you - the nation loved you. Over 140,000 people signed a petition to try and save you. You were loved and wanted.
Your final moments and death were deeply upsetting.
I hope that in the future, humans can be kinder, more compassionate, loving and more considerate towards animals.
I've learned so much from animals - they live in the moment, they love, they care, they are intelligent and know more than we give them credit for, they are peaceful and don't destroy the natural environment, they live simply.
Although I may never have known Geronimo, he has touched my heart. And maybe, hopefully, we can meet one day where I can give him cuddles and tell him I'm sorry.
I hope that what happened to Geronimo, never happens again. In my own life, the love I've received from animals have helped me through my darkest times when having my anxiety, their love has helped me through my anxiety and gave me a purpose to continue when I saw none. Animals have love in their hearts. Geronmio had love in his heart. If you open your heart to animals, you will feel the lov
I hope that we can create a kinder world for animals. I hope we can create a more compassionate world for animals. I hope that we can create a safer, rather than fearful, world for animals. I hope humans can find it in their hearts to be kind, loving, compassionate and considerate towards animals.
Let's create a kinder and more loving world for animals. Let's make sure no more alpacas or other animals die and suffer the way Geronimo did.
You were a light in the world sweet Geronimo.
Rest in Peace sweet Geronimo, I hope you are resting in peace over the rainbow bridge now with the other animals now. 💖🙏🏻🌈
