The UK is currently having a heatwave.
Animals in the wild could do with some extra help during this time.
A great way to help animals during this heatwave and during the summertime, is, by providing wildlife with water. Providing them with water will help them.
Putting out water in your garden will help cute animals like birds, as putting out water in your garden will give the birds water to drink and somewhere to bathe.
Bathing in water can help the birds cool down in the warm weather.
Putting out water in your garden can help many other animals.
It can help all animals that come into your garden.
Even insects benefit from putting water out in your garden. To help insects, put some stones in your water to make sure insects and other small animals have a way of climbing out of the water.
Putting water out in your garden can help animals survive this heatwave, it can also help animals survive the summer, as water can be more scarce during summer.
Our gardens are a great way for us to help animals.
Below is some more tips from the Wildlife Trusts on how to help animals.