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  • Writer's pictureJennifer J

One Week To Go To Scottish Wildcat Day!

Scottish Wildcat Day is almost upon us; it is exactly one week today!

Scottish Wildcat Day is celebrated annually on the 8th of August.

It was found by Action 4 Earth in 2017. Therefore, this year is the fourth Scottish Wildcat Day, and what better day to celebrate Scottish Wildcat Day than a Saturday!

Scottish Wildcat Day was founded by us for two reasons. The first reason that it was established, was so that we could have a day to celebrate these wonderful animals. But, there was also another reason as to why Scottish Wildcat Day was also established. The second reason why Scottish Wildcat Day was established, was to raise awareness about Scottish Wildcats.

Scottish Wildcats today are critically endangered.

They recently featured on the Mammal Society Red List for Britain's Mammals, where Scottish Wildcats are one of only two mammals today which are critically endangered in the UK today. The other critically endangered mammal in the UK today is Greater Mouse-Eared Bats.

Therefore, Greater Mouse-Eared Bats and Scottish Wildcats are the two mammals most at risk of extinction in the UK. Historical persecution and the present-day destruction of their forest home within Scotland, has led to the Scottish Wildcat becoming critically endangered.

The deforestation of the Scottish Wildcats home in the Scottish highlands over the past few years is the main risk today for these animals. In 2018, it was reported that deforestation in the Scottish highlands could lead to a third of Scottish Wildcats being wiped out.

In 2020, a Scottish government organization still admits there will be deforestation in the Scottish Wildcats forest home, even though Scottish Wildcats are critically endangered!

Almost one million people have signed a petition to the Scottish government to Save the Scottish Wildcat by protecting the Classindarroch forest'' (their forest home), the Scottish government has ignored this plea to save one of our most critically endangered animals since the petition was started (the petition was started two years ago).

This Scottish Wildcat Day, please raise awareness about the Scottish Wildcat and their plight.

Today, there are fewer than 30 Scottish Wildcats in the wild.

We cannot save the Scottish Wildcat if we don't protect their forest home.

You can use the hashtag #ScottishWildcatDay to raise awareness about the Scottish Wildcat and celebrate these wonderful animals on social media.

Happy Scottish Wildcat Day when it comes!

Please sign the petition to help save the Scottish Wildcat - here.


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