Norway has killed 140 whales, as 'whaling season' has begun.
The 140 whales were killed in just a few days. The Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society has reported that 'the whale hunting season there has begun with the bloody slaughter of over 140 minke whales in just the first few days.
What Are Minke Whales?
There are two species of minke whales that are found in the wild.
Those two species of minke whale species are:
1) the common minke whale
2) the Antarctic minke whale
Today, the Antarctic minke whale is near threatened.
Whaling Worldwide
Whaling (whale hunting), has been banned internationally since 1986.
Whaling was banned by the International Whaling Commission (IWC). This ban in 1986 resulted in the ban of the killing of whales - the vast majority of the world's countries do not hunt whales today, and haven't for decades. However, there have been a few countries that have been hunting whales, the countries that have been hunting whales in recent years are Japan, Iceland and Norway. Whaling has also been happening in Greenland too.
Whales in Norway are hunted from April to the end of August.
More Whale Controversy
Norway is also facing criticism for its 'unacceptable minke whale hearing experiments', this is because Norway is planning experiments on whales.
It has been reported that young whales are set to be subjected to sound experiments. This has been condemned by both scientists and vets from around the world.