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New Report By 'BirdLife': 1 in 5 Bird Species In Europe Are Facing Extinction

Writer's picture: Jennifer JJennifer J

Cute Robin

A new report by 'BirdLife' says 1 in 5 bird species in Europe face extinction.

BirdLife International are a global group that works to help preserve birds, their habitats and prevent them from becoming extinct.

Recently, they have published a new report which focuses on the conservation status of bird species in Europe. The report is called 'The European Red List of Birds 2021.'

This is the fourth report that BirdLife has done assessing birds.

The previous reports by BirdLife International have been released over the last three decades: the last report was released in 2015.

Now, they have an updated report on the conservation status of bird species in Europe. The report tells us the conservation status of bird species in Europe and how they are doing in the wild.

This 2021 report focuses on 544 different bird species, across 50 countries.

The new report gives us a lot of information about how birds are doing in Europe today. But sadly, it's not good news for birds - as BirdLife has found that 1 in 5 bird species in Europe are either threatened with extinction or nearly threatened with extinction today.

Beautiful Bullfinch

1 in 5 bird species in Europe facing extinction is devastating news for birds and the natural world - this is not the only devastating news for birds.

The report has also found that 1 in 3 bird species in Europe has declined over the last few decades: which is terrible news for birds.

Beautiful Collared Dove

There were a few bird groups that were found to be more at risk of extinction than other bird groups. The bird groups most threatened with extinction and declining the fastest are raptors, wildfowl, waders and seabirds.

The habitats with the most threatened bird species are farmlands, grasslands, marine habitats and wetlands. This shows that bird species found in these habitats are particularly vulnerable to extinction, therefore, protecting these habitats is essential for protecting the bird species found in these habitats.

Striking Buzzard

BirdLife International also found from Europe's birds that:

. 6% of species are near threatened with extinction

. 13% of species are threatened with extinction

. 2% of species are critically endangered

. 3% of species are endangered

. 30% of bird species are decreasing in population

. And, that 5 species are now regionally extinct

This shows how bird species in Europe are declining and threatened with extinction.

Here are the species that have been declared regionally extinct:

  1. The Common Buttonquail

  2. The Palla's Sandgrouse

  3. The Pine Bunting

There are also some species in Europe that have seen significant changes in their conservation status. One of the species is very surprising.

The conservation status of rooks has made a very surprising change, as they are now classed as being vulnerable to extinction in Europe.


Beautiful Rook

The most surprising conservation status change is the change that has occurred in the Rook population. Rooks have always been a common bird, however, this report sadly shows that even the most common animals in the wild can quickly be threatened with extinction: as rooks are now threatened with extinction in Europe.

Why Are Birds In Europe Declining?

The decline of these bird species is sad to see. There are several different reasons why they are declining - all of them linked to human activity.

The main reasons for the declines are:

. Habitat loss/destruction

. Harmful agriculture practices

. The use of pesticides

. Pollution

To help save these birds, save them for the future and stop their decline, we have to protect their habitats and stop harmful practices which are harming wildlife.

You can see the full report - here.


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