New footage of the now extinct Tasmanian Tiger has been found.
Despite their name, Tasmanian Tigers weren't a species of cat, they were a species of marsupials that looked more like a dog which belonged to the Thylacinidae family. The Thylacinidae family is now an extinct animal family, as there are no members of them alive today. There were many other species of marsupials that belonged to the Thylacinidae family, but they are now all extinct.
Including Tasmanian Tigers.
The reason Tasmanian Tigers were called Tasmanian Tigers was that a) they were native to the island of Tasmanian, off the South coast of Australia, and b) their fur had stripes on them down the back of their body which looked like Tiger stripes.
Tasmanian Tigers were given protection as a species just two months before they became extinct. The effort to save this species was too late, the Tasmanian Tiger became extinct on the 7th of September 1936. They previously became extinct on the Australian mainland before the species was only found within the island of Tasmania.
Tasmanian Tigers were one of the most notable species the earth lost during the 20th century. Other iconic species that we lost during the 20th century included the Caspian Tiger and the Barbary Lion. We can now only see Tasmanian Tigers through the limited footage we have of them, they are now a species frozen in time and lost to the earth.
Here is the new footage found of the Tasmanian Tiger....