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It's Time To Completely Ban Fox Hunting In The UK

Writer's picture: Jennifer JJennifer J

Cute Fox

It's time to completely ban fox hunting in the UK.

The ban on fox hunting in Scotland happened in 2002 and in England and Wales was banned in 2005. Sadly, Northern Ireland is the only part of the United Kingdom which hasn't banned fox hunting.

The Republic of Ireland also hasn't banned fox hunting. 'Ban Blood Sports' says: ''With fox hunting banned in England, Scotland and Wales, Ireland has become one of the last remaining countries in the world to allow this horrific bloodsport''. This is despite most Irish and British people supporting a ban on fox hunting.

Fox hunting is horrific and very barbaric - this kind of cruelty towards animals should have no place in civilized societies. Our treatment of animals is a reflection of our society and ourselves: our societies should be built upon compassion, kindness and love: treating animals with cruelty should have no part in our societies.

Beautiful Mother Fox Feeding Her Cubs

Even though fox hunting has been banned throughout most of the UK, it still happens and loopholes still exist, which shouldn't be the case!

This time of year it is especially heart-aching because it seems as if Boxing Day and the following days from that, is when fox hunting happens.

During the festive season, we see it as a season of goodwill and peace - especially on Christmas Day. Yet, just one day later, on Boxing Day, some people go out to terrify and kill foxes in the most brutal way - that is not peaceful or loving, nor acceptable, it is barbaric and cruel. Animals experience emotions as we do - they experience emotions such as fear and pain, which is why fox hunting is so heinous.

How can we as a society proclaim to respect nature and the environment when we allow cruel acts towards wildlife - like fox hunting - to happen? This kind of cruelty towards wildlife shows a callous disregard towards animals and the environment. We cannot solve climate change or the biodiversity crisis until we really look at how society views and treats wildlife and the natural world.

Foxes deserve to live in peace; they shouldn't be persecuted. They should be protected. Foxes deserve legislation that properly protects them, without loopholes. In the 21st century, it is long overdue that we ban barbaric bloodsports.

Animals and nature can be our teachers: we can learn from animals. We can leave this world better than the one we came into. We can live a life based on love and compassion: love and compassion that is given to foxes and other animals.

Foxes are beautiful animals, they are part of the dog family. We would be horrified if dogs were treated in the same way as foxes; we should be horrified at the way foxes are treated by some people at this time of year. Fox hunting has no place in the modern world - it is a medieval-like event that should be long extinct.

During this time of year, let us all give that bit extra love, compassion and help towards foxes and other animals. They say that magic doesn't exist, but I disagree: our love and compassion given are the most magical and powerful things that we can give others. Love and compassion is the magic within us.

Let us keep and strengthen the ban on fox hunting.

Let us ban foxing hunting once and for all.

Help foxes in the UK - here!

Help foxes in Ireland - here!


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