Blue Whales were once historically hunted in places like South Georgia.
South Georgia is an overseas British territory, which is home to beautiful animals like blue whales. Blue whales are one of the most majestic and beautiful animals in the wild. But sadly, these beautiful animals haven't had an easy past.
They haven't had an easy past due to how they were treated.
Sadly, these animals were once hunted. The hunting of blue whales in South Georgia was banned in the 1960s, which was a great move in helping these animals.

At first, the ban on blue whales did not look as if it was making much difference.
But now, there is evidence to suggest that the ban is starting to work.
A recent report by 'Inter-Research Science', found that sightings of blue whales have been increasing lately. They have found that sightings of blue whales have increased in South Georgia since 2018. There has also been an increase in the vocalizations of blue whales in South Georgia since 2018.
This is great news for these beautiful animals, as the researchers who researched blue whales in South Georgia have found that blue whales are finally starting to return to South Georgia. This shows that the ban on whaling is now starting to have positive effects and, can perhaps be said, that we are starting to see the recovery of this beautiful species in the waters of South Georgia.
The findings were published in a paper called 'South Georgia Blue Whales Five Decades After The End Of Whaling'.