Hedgehogs are one of the most adorable animals.
They are also one of Britain's favourite animals and garden visitors.
There are several ways that you can help Hedgehogs in your garden. Particularly during this time of year.
There are many ways that you can help Hedgehogs during the Autumn. Here, we are going to look at some of the main ways that you can help Hedgehogs this Autumn!
#1 Providing The Hedgehog Food

Hedgehogs are getting ready for hibernating.
Hedgehogs hibernate during the Winter and hibernate around November. Therefore, it's helpful to feed Hedgehogs food, as this food will help Hedgehogs through the Winter months.
Hedgehogs are nocturnal - they only come out at nighttime - therefore, you can just leave food out for them in the garden before you go to bed.
#2 Providing Hedgehogs Water

Likewise, another great way to help Hedgehogs is by providing them with a shallow bowl of water.
Water, like food, is essential for Hedgehogs.
Please don't provide Hedgehogs with milk though - milk is not good for Hedgehogs, so only provide them with water.
#3 Providing Shelter For Hedgehogs

Another great way to help Hedgehogs - especially during the Autumn and Winter months - is to provide Hedgehogs with shelter in your garden.
There are ready-made Hedgehogs homes that you can buy, if you put one of these in your garden, then it will give Hedgehogs a place where they can hibernate over the Winter months.
You can also help Hedgehogs by leaving leaves in your garden, rather than sweeping them up. Or, by putting leaves in a pile for Hedgehogs.
#4 Guy Fawkes Night

Finally, one more way that you can help Hedgehogs in the UK this Autumn, is by helping Hedgehogs around and on Guy Fawkes Night.
There are several ways that you can do this.
One way to do this is by not having fireworks in your garden if you have Hedgehogs, or other animals in your garden and nearby.
You can also help Hedgehogs by checking any bonfires before you light them. Dry bonfires could be a place that small animals, like Hedgehogs or Frogs could into to seek shelter, therefore, by checking dry bonfires with a torch before the bonfire is lit for any small wild animals could help save animals lives.
Helping Hedgehogs This Autumn
These are some of the ways that you can help Hedgehogs this Autumn. Helping Hedgehogs this Autumn can help these cute animals get through the Autumn and Winter months, and, once again, they will be ready to come out in the Springtime!