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  • Writer's pictureJennifer J

How To Live Simply: Lessons Winter Teaches Us ❄️🌨

In our modern western world, we are always encouraged to be busy, to strive towards goals, to achieve more, to buy more, to always be on the go and be busy... get the idea.

But, does it really make us happier? Is it how we are really supposed to live our life? The countries with the highest rates of depression are western countries, these countries include - the USA, Australia, Greece and Finland.

A similar picture can be seen with anxiety disorders, where the likes of Portugal and the USA having amongst the highest rates of anxiety disorders.

Globally, it is estimated that 284 million people suffer from an anxiety disorder, while 264 million suffer from depression. It is shown that spending time in nature reduces anxiety and helps uplift those who suffer from depression - when we connect with the natural world our mental health improves.

We become happier and more at peace when we are in nature, because, that is the way it's supposed to be.

We are supposed to be connected with the seasons and live with them in mind. Each season has a different purpose and a different lesson - winter teaches us to rest, to recharge. It is a time when animals hibernate and plants go to sleep, remaining dormant until spring.

Nature tells us that winter is a time when we should rest and recharge; resting is important for our health.

Winter can also teach us that we should live in the present moment. Instead of living for the future, appreciate the present moment. When we live for the future, we fail to see what is right in front of us and end up not appreciating it, for example, by waiting and hoping for spring, we fail to see the beauty and uniqueness of the winter season, and we fail to live and appreciate everything around us in the present moment.

The winter season can also teach us that we can create beautiful works of art inspired by the winter season - winter animals, winter landscapes and winter weather, all create beautiful works of art. In fact, I think some of the prettiest and most magical art work I have seen are winter-inspired.

Winter also teaches us how to live simply - it teaches us to slow down and to live minimalist.

We don't need to consume lots of stuff to be happy or fufilled, we can live happily and fufilled by living with nature and the seasons, by connecting to each season and living connected with the purpose of each season.

The purpose of winter is to rest, recharge and slow down, that is the lessons that winter teaches us. 🌨❄️🕊


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