Stag beetles are in decline in the UK. However, the People's Trust For Endangered Species is helping stage beetles, and, they want you to help them too!
By helping stag beetles, you can help stop their decline in the UK and stop them from becoming extinct in the UK. Stag beetles are now extinct in some European countries, however, these interesting insects are also found throughout Western Europe - including, being found within the UK.
You can help stag beetles in the UK, to reverse their decline.
The People's Trust For Endangered Species has come up with several ways that you can help the stag beetles. There are three ways you can help stag beetles.
1 Create a log pile
Creating a log pile is a great way to help stag beetles.
Creating log piles is a good way to help stag beetles, as it gives them a place to shelter and also provides stag beetles with food.
You can also create a log pile map.
2 Fill Out A Form
You can also help stag beetles by filling out a form which helps the People's Trust For Endangered Species understand their population.
3 Stag Beetle Count
Another great way to help stag beetles, is, by taking part in the stag beetle count.
Helping Stag Beetles
These are three great ways to help stag beetles.
You can help stag beetles in your garden, all you have to do to help stag beetles in your garden is to create a log pile in your garden
Helping insects can help them survive and also helps the environment and other animals in the natural world, helping on species, can help many.