When most people think of farms, they think of the beautiful countryside, where animals roam about freely. While that is true for some farms, it's not true for all.
This is not true for factory farms.
Factory farms are the complete opposite of the picturesque vision we have when we think of farms. Factory farms are places where animals are trapped indoors in cages or crates. These poor animals will remain in these cages for all of their life.
These animals will never see the sun. They will never feel the sun on their face.
Animals in factory farms aren't given love or compassion.

The conditions that you see here in these pictures are typical conditions of how factory farm animals are kept.
Imagine living your whole life in a dark room, crammed into a cage that is dirty, never feeling love or kindness - that's what these animals go through.
It doesn't have to be this way.
Factory farms don't have to be part of our society, or our future. We can end factory farms. There are many benefits to ending factory farms - it will create a kinder and more compassionate world for animals, it will help the environment and people.
With animals being kept in dirty, cramped cages, not only does it harm animals, it harms people too, as people are eating the animals in those dirty and unhygenic places - that can't be good for the health of people either.
New Viva Campaign
Viva, the animal charity, has created a new campaign to help end factory farming.
Factory farming is extremly cruel to animals. It is a place where they do not have a good quality of life and live in such heartbreaking and appalling conditions.
You can see those conditions from Viva's End Factory Farming campaign.
You can also support this campaign to end factory farming.
Please support their campaign to end factory farming, and make the world a better place for the world's animals. You can support their campaign - here!