Today is World Wildlife Day 2022: Happy World Wildlife Day!
World Wildlife Day is celebrated on the 3rd of March every year. It was on the 20th of December 2013 that the UN decided that the 3rd of March was World Wildlife Day, as a day to celebrate and raise awareness about animals and plants.
Every year, World Wildlife Day has its own theme. Last years theme for World Wildlife Day was 'Forests and Livelihoods: suistaning people and planet'.
The theme this year is 'Recovering key species for ecosystem restoration'. Therefore, this years World Wildlife Day is dedicated critically endangered animal and plant species, as it is critically endangered species of animals and plants which are most at risk of becoming extinct. Raising awareness about the world's most critically endangered species of plants and animals can help them.
Critically endangered plants and animals are the species most at risk of becoming extinct. They are especially at risk from habitat destruction.
The destruction of the natural world puts critically endangered animals and plants most at risk of becoming extinct. The more that humans destroy the natural world, the more we will see species becoming extinct.
One of the world's rarest species is the Scottish wildcat. The Scottish wildcat is at risk of extinction due to their population being very low, and the destruction of their forest home to make way for wind farms. Today, the wildcats are critically endangered.
The Scottish wildcat is now on the brink of extinction, with as few as only 35 Scottish wildcats thought to be remaining in the wild. Sadly, these beautiful cats are not alone in being on the brink of extinction today: many other species are too.
At Action For Earth, we have our own endangered species page, which shows some of the most endangered animals in the world today.
It is both surprising and shocking how many species are endangered and critically endangered today, and, how many of them are on the brink of extinction.
One of the species on the brink of extinction today is the Northern white rhino. Today, there are only 2 Northern white rhinos that remain in existence, therefore, these beautiful rhinos are very near extinction. The remaining two Northern white rhinos are female. That there are only 2 Northern white rhinos in extistence now is very sad and symbolic of the sixth mass extinction we are now in.
The Northern white rhino also shows us what will happen to other animals if we continue to destroy the natural world. If we continue to destroy the natural world, then would could live to see stories emerging like 'the last two remaining tigers left in the world,' or, 'the last two pandas remaining in the world'. Whether we see that happening, will depend upon whether or not we save nature.
The animals and plants of the world need us, what we do today will impact their today and their tomorrow.
Instead of destroying nature, we should cherish it, appreciate it, learn from it and love it. The natural world is something that we should enjoy and celebrate. There is much to appreciate and love in the natural world.
The natural world is as beneficial for us as it is for the animals that live within it. It helps benefit our physical and mental health, it makes us feel better and happier. And, even though our society has drifted away from the natural world, the natural world will always remain our home.
World Wildlife Day is a day to remember what we have with the natural world and appreciate it, rather than taking it for granted. When we are at one with nature, we are at one with ourselves and all other life on this beautiful world.
Happy World Wildlife Day!