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Happy World Environment Day! šŸŒšŸŒ³šŸ¾

Writer's picture: Jennifer JJennifer J


Today is World Environment Day; Happy World Environment Day!

World Environment Day is celebrated on the 5th of June every year. This year, World Environment Day is celebrated on a Saturday.

World Environment Day is a day that was created by the United Nations (UN). The United Nations (UN), created World Environment Day as a day to raise awareness about our environment and to protect our environment across the world.

When Was The First World Environment Day?


The first World Environment Day was held in 1974.

It was first held in Spokane, in the United States of America. Since then, World Environment Day is now celebrated all over the world as a way to help raise awareness about the environment, and, the challenges that the environment and nature faces in the modern world today.

What Are The Challenges?

Beautiful Tiger

There are many challenges that the environment and natural world face today.

The two biggest challenges that they face are:

. The biodiversity crisis (Sixth Mass Extinction)

. The climate crisis (climate change)

The Biodiversity Crisis

The world is facing a biodiversity crisis: we have lost a substantial amount of our natural world. Many of our ecosystems, including - forests, meadows, grasslands and oceans and seas, have been damaged and destroyed.

Today, we have so little ecosystems that remain intact. A study published in April this year found that only 3% of the world's ecosystems remain intact today. Ecosystems are important. They are important for keeping our environment healthy, and, they are also important because these ecosystems are the homes of wildlife.

Cute Baby Bear

The destruction of the world's ecosystems is pushing animals towards extinction.

A UN report in 2019, warned that nature was in 'serious decline'. It also warned that 1 million species were at risk of extinction.

The destruction of ecosystems - such as forests and meadows - is pushing animals towards extinction. It is estimated that around 200 species are going extinct every single day on earth. The decline in species today is so drastic and sharp that species of plants and animals are disappearing at the fastest rate since the dinasour extinction 65 million years ago.

Species of plants and animals are going extinct at such a high rate that it is believed that the world is going through a Sixth Mass Extinction event today.

The Climate Crisis


The biodiversity crisis is not the only threat that we face today.

Another threat that we face today, is the climate crisis. The climate crisis (or, climate change, as it's also known), gets a lot more attention and publicity than the biodiversity crisis - both crises are big threats today to the environment.

Climate change is happening faster than we thought.

The more that climate change happens, the more we are at risk from things such as rising sea levels, rising temperatures, more extreme weather and droughts. Climate change also risks causing harm to wildlife and could result in things such as a strain or shortage on resources - especially resources like water.

World Environment Day 2021

Tree Planting

Although the world faces two major crisis today, there is still hope.

The theme for this years World Environment Day is ecosystem restoration: it is all about encouraging the restoration and rewilding of our ecosystem.

By protecting our ecosystems that exist - such as woodlands, forests, meadows, grasslands and so much more - we can help stop both the biodiversity crisis and the climate crisis. Rewilding can help us to bring back nature and help us to create a healthier and cleaner environment for all of us.

We sadly cannot bring back the beautiful species that we have already lost, however, it is not too late for us to prevent other species from going extinct. By recreating ecosystems and protecting the ecosystems that remain, we can help bring back nature, protect nature and protect the planet from a worse crisis.

All of us have it within us to make a difference in the world. How we live, what we buy and what we do every single day impacts the world around us, and the animals and people that live in this world with us. By being more conscious of how we live and by caring about animals, people and the planet, we can help to create a better world for every being that lives on this earth.

Happy World Environment Day!


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