Today is National Badger Day; happy National Badger Day!
National Badger Day happens every year on the 6th of October. It is a day to celebrate and raise awareness about one of Britain's most beloved wild animals - badgers!
Badgers are one of the most iconic animals that live in the British countryside. These cute animals are adorable.

Badgers are nocturnal animals; they come out at night. Badgers are mostly active during the nighttime and are rarely seen during the day. Badgers sleep throughout the day.
These cute animals are omnivores - they eat both plants and other animals. The other animals that badgers eat are small animals.
These small animals include insects, small reptiles and worms. And, they also eat things like berries and fruit in the wild.
How You Can Help Badgers

Badgers are one of Britain's most adorable wild animals and you can help them. There are several ways that you can help badgers.
You can help badgers by leaving food out for them in the garden. Badgers can eat things like fruits, unsalted nuts, unsalted/sugar-free peanut butter and peanuts.
There is also the option of buying food made for badgers.
You can buy food made for badgers in places such as Amazon.
Another way that you can help badgers in your garden, is by providing a source of water for them in your garden. A small shallow bowl will do. This will help give birds a source of water in your garden too.
Making your garden wildlife-friendly, by designing it in a way to help wildlife, can also help these cute animals and birds.
Happy National Badger Day!