Today is International Day for Biological Diversity, happy Biodiversity Day!
International Day for Biological Diversity was founded by the UN General Assembly in 1993, so it's almost 30 years old. The original date for International Day for Biological Diversity was the 29th of December annually. This changed in 2000, when the date for the event was moved to the 22nd of May.
Therefore, this year is the 20th anniversary of International Day for Biological Diversity being held on the 22nd of May and now it is held every year on the 22nd of May.
What Is International Day for Biological Diversity?
International Day for Biological Diversity was established as a day to draw attention to biodiversity issues. These biodiversity issues are widespread and varied.
They include stuff like:
. Endangered species
. Deforestation
. Oceans and seas
. Drought and water issues
. Food security
. Sustainability
. Renewable energy
These are many of the areas that Biodiversity Day focuses on.
Why Is International Day for Biological Diversity Important?
International Day for Biological Diversity is important for many reasons.
It helps us to draw attention to how we live with and interact with the natural world and helps us to move to living in a sustainable way, which benefits both people and the planet.
It also draws attention to the worlds habitats, like oceans, seas and forests. In doing so, we can understand how important these ecosystems are for both human health and livelihoods. For example, in Scotland the marine economy brought in £5.1 billion in revenue into the country and employed 74,500 people. Therefore, the livelihoods of people and our economy depends on a healthy marine ecosystem.
It helps draw attention to the world's endangered species. If we draw attention to the world's endangered species then we can raise awareness about them and try and save them.
These are just some of the reasons why International Day for Biological Diversity is important.
What Is The Theme For This Years Biological Diversity Day?
There is a theme every year for Biological Diversity Day.
This year the theme for Biological Diversity Day is ''Our solutions are in nature''.
The aim of the theme this year is to help us to understand how we are connect to the natural world and dependent on the natural world for everything in our lives.
It is about how our solutions to biodiversity issues comes from working in harmony with the natural world itself. We rely on the natural world for food, water, fuel and everything else, the goal of this years Biological Diversity Day is that we can still produce all the stuff we depend on to survive - such as food and fuel - but we can do it in a way that benefits both the natural world and people.
Happy Biological Diversity Day!