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  • Writer's pictureJennifer J

Greenpeace Releases New Video To Raise Awareness About Deforestation


Greenpeace has released a new video about deforestation.

The new two-minute video, highlights the plight of rainforest animals, caused by the destruction of the world's rainforesests.

The world's rainforests - from the Amazon rainforest, to the Indonesian rainforest - are being destroyed by things like logging and forest fires.

The destruction of the world's rainforests are devestating for numerous reasons.

It is devestating because it harms the environoment.

It is devestating because it contributes to climate change.

It is devestating because deforestation kills animals and harms people.

It also pushes animals towards extinction.

And, it results in us losing beautiful ecosystems, which are some of the last true wildernesses on the earth today.

It is thought that if we continue to destroy these beautiful forests, then it could result in these forests disappearing forever, along with its animals too.

You can watch the new Greenpeace video below.


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