One of the greatest joys in life is hearing birds outside talking to each other, or singing: listening to birds singing is beautiful.
Hearing the sound of birds makes you appreciate nature and the animals that we share this world with: the world would feel empty without them.
It would feel empty and not the same without birdsong.
But, sadly, a new report says that birdsong is getting quieter and is in decline.
A study has been published recently by Nature Communications about birds.
The study is called 'Bird population declines and species turnover are changing the acoustic properties of spring soundscapes.' The study found that due to the decline in bird populations, natural soundscapes were changing.
The researchers studied over 200,000 sites across North America and Europe. They sadly found that the sounds of the natural world were in ''chronic decline.'' They also found that the natural world was quieter now compared to the 1990s, as the researchers have studied the sounds of the natural world for the last 25 years.
Not only did they find that birdsong had become quieter, but the researchers also found that the birdsong had become less varied than they used to be.
The news is sad. It shows how human behaviour towards the environment is affecting the natural world and wildlife, as it is believed that climate change is the reason for the decline in birdsong. But other factors that could and are probably having an affecting on the decline in birds are things like the destruction of the natural world, pesticides and people having plastic lawns and concrete lawns in their garden.
You can help birds in your garden and stop their decline. You can do this by creating a wildlife and bird-friendly garden. One way that you can create a wildlife and bird-friendly garden is by creating a mini-meadow in your garden.