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  • Writer's pictureJennifer J

Animals Trapped In Argentina's Wildfires


Wildfires have been raging on in Argentina for at least a week now.

The wildfires have been destroying forests, wetlands farms and nature; alongside the wildfires heartbreakingly trapping and killing wildlife.

Some of the animals trapped in the wildfires have been rescued.

Wildlife are very vulnerable when it comes to wildfires. Sadly, videos have emerged of animals trying to run away and escape from the fires.

Some of the animals seen trying to run away and escape the fires recently in Argentina looked like armadillos and yacare caimans.

The fires are also threatening a national park in Argentina, as 10% of the Ibera National Park has been burnt so far.

Sadly, the wildfires that are happening are a risk to people, wildlife, farm animals and ecosystems; like forests and wetlands.

In 2020, Argentina also had bad wildfires in the Pantanal wetlands, which sadly harmed animals like jaguars. Jaguars are also at risk with these fires.

The biodiversity crisis and climate crisis makes these fires worse. We have to have a better relationship with the earth if we are to stop wildfires becoming worse.

Hopefully, the wildfires will ease and stop in Argentina very soon.


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