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Animal Profiles: The Long-Tailed Tit

Writer's picture: Jennifer JJennifer J

Long Tailed Tit

The long-tailed tit is one of the cutest birds in the animal kingdom.

These birds are also unique to the UK, as there are no birds that come into the garden quite like them. The reason that they are so unique in the UK is due to the colours of their feathers on the long-tailed tit and their beautiful tail.

Appearance Of This Bird

The long-tailed have feather colours which are very rare in other birds in the UK; which makes the long tailed tit unique. These cute birds have pink and purple feathers; they also have black and white feathers, which makes them cute.

The unique colours in the long tailed tits feathers makes these birds instantly recognizable. There is another thing that makes them instantly recognizable: their tail. The tail of these birds is long, which is unique to this bird in the UK as other smaller birds have much shorter tails. So, if you are trying to identify the long tailed tit in your garden, just look out for two things: their tail and their feather colours.

Long Tailed Tit

Where Are They Found?

Long-tailed tits are pretty successful birds, as these birds can be found throughout much of the northern hemisphere.

Long-tailed tits are found in both Europe and Asia.

What Habitats Are The Found In?

These cute little birds are found in a variety of different habitats.

They are found in places like woodlands, scrublands and farms. They are also found in gardens, parks and hedgerows, which means there are plenty of places to see them in the wild, and, even in your own back garden.

What Do They Eat?

Long-tailed tits eat different things in the wild.

Long-tailed tits like eating insects and fruits like berries. These cute birds also like to eat larvae and also like to eat nuts. Therefore, if you want to provide food for long-tailed tits in the garden, then providing them with berries and bird nuts, but don't give birds to eat salted nuts.

Long Tailed Tit

What Is Their Mating Season?

In the northern hemisphere, its most common for wild animals to have their mating season during the spring months. Long-tailed tits are no different, as they also have their mating season in early spring. Though, long-tailed tits start building their nests at the end of winter (in early February), so that their nests are ready for spring.

What Is Their Personality Like?

Long-tailed tits are very sociable animals during the winter, as they live in groups. This makes them fun to watch during the winter months, as, not only are they sociable, they are also very lively birds during the winter.

They will also cuddle up together during the night in their roosts in a group, long-tailed tits will do this as the weather is cold during the winter (especially during the winter nights), cuddling up together helps them to keep warm and stops their body temperature from dropping, this helps long-tailed tits survive the winter.

What Is Their Conservation Status?

Thankfully, these birds aren't rare or endangered.

Instead, their status of 'least concern', this means that they are not at risk of extinction and are as far from extinction as a species can be.

What Is Their Population Trend?

Generally, their population trend is stable.

In the UK, these birds are doing well. The population of the long-tailed tit has doubled since the 1970's. When other species are declining, this shows how resilient and well long-tailed tits have being doing over the past few decades.

What Is Their Population?

The population of the long-tailed tit is between 40,000 and 79,999,999.

In the UK, the population of long-tailed tits is estimated to be 340,000. Therefore, these birds have a big population and are doing well.

Here Are Some Facts About Long-tailed tits

Their kingdom: Animalia (animals)

Their class: Aves

Phylum: Chordata

Genus: Aegithalos

Family: Aegithalidae

Order: Passeriformes

How To Help Long-Tailed Tits

Winter can be a difficult time for all animals, due to the cold weather and the lack of natural food in the wild, it can also be a difficult time for long-tailed tits. There are ways that you can help these beautiful birds through the winter and help them survive the winter. By providing long-tailed tits with foods like nuts, berries and fat balls, you can help these cute birds and other birds survive the winter months.


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