There is new amazing new as a new species of Shark has been found.
The Shark has been found off the coast of New Zealand.
It is amazing that we have found a new animal species as big as a Shark. But, there is something even more incredible about this new Shark species: they are luminous; this new species of Shark glows in the dark!
The knew species of Shark is known as the 'Kitefin Shark'. They are also known as a 'Giant Luminous Shark' due to the fact that this Shark glows in the dark.
The Kitefin Shark is the largest known vertebrate we've discovered.
The Kitefin Shark was not the only luminous Shark species to be discovered by researchers, another two luminous Shark species were also discovered. The other two luminous Shark species are the Blackbelly Lanternshark and the Southern Lanternshark.
The discovery of this new Shark was published in the 'Marine Science Journal'.