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A Quarter Of The UK's Mammals Are At Risk Of Extinction

Writer's picture: Jennifer JJennifer J

Scottish Wildcat

A quarter of the UK's wild mammals are now at risk of extinction.

According to a new report by the Mammal Society, a quarter of all the UK's mammals are now at risk of extinction today. These mammals are native animals to the UK.

The Mammal Society has come up with their very own Red List of species. This Red List is for Britain's mammals. The Mammal Society Red List of Mammals lists the conservation status of all of Britain's native wild mammals. Each mammal in Britain has been given a conservation status, where 'least concern (LC), is the safest conservation status that a mammal can get, while 'critically endangered (CR), is the conservation status given to a mammal when they are most at risk of extinction. There are also other conservation statuses in between those two.

These are the conservation statuses given by the Mammal Society.

From most at risk of extinction, to least at risk of extinction today.

The Mammals Which Are Critically Endangered

. The Scottish Wildcat

. Greater Moused-Eared Bat

The Mammals Which Are Endangered

. Grey Long-Eared Bat

. Water Voles

. Eurasian Beavers

. Red Squirrels

Mammals Vulnerable To Extinction

. Hedgehogs

. Hazel Dormouse

. Orkney Vole

. Serotine

. Barbastelle

These are the mammals in the UK which are now most at risk of extinction.

You can see a full list of the mammals - here.


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