A new plan for 'insect highways' has been created for the UK.
The plan for insect highways has been created by Buglife.
The plan would create insect highways all across the UK, in every part of the UK. The aim of these highways will be to help nature move about the country freely and will help nature's recovery. They will also help to restore nature.
The highways will help insects too. Insects like bees have been declining, so, the hope is that by creating these insect highways, animals like bees will recover.
The aim of the insect highways is to try and reverse the decline of insects in the UK. These include insects bees, butterflies and other insects.
The UK's insects, including pollinating insects such as bees and butterflies, have been declining in the UK, which is why we need to rewild.
It is also why we need to restore nature.
If you want to learn more about insect highways from Buglife, then, you can visit their website to find out more about insects highways.
Buglife is a great charity that helps the UK's insects, so please support them. They also have a lot of good information about the UK's insects on their website, so, if you want to find out more about insects from Buglife head over to their website!
You can find out more about the new plan for insect highways - here!