Recently, David Attenborough has been speaking to the BBC.
He gives people advice on how they can help the planet.
David advises people not to waste things to help save the planet - he advises that we shouldn't waste things like food, water, energy etc.
We produce so much waste every year. We waste food, we waste water and we waste energy. This waste does unnecessary damage to the planet.
Reducing our waste is a simple and cost-effective way of helping nature and the environment.
Here are some tips on how to prevent waste:
💡 Put off energy when you are not using it
This can include things like lights and tvs. By switching off energy in your home that you are not using, you will stop unecessary energy waste and save money.
You could also get electricity alternatives to stop waste, such as LED lights or solar lights.
💡Saving water instead of wasting it
You can also help the planet by saving water. One good way to do this, is to put the tap off when you are brushing your teeth; it's an easy an cost-effective way to help save water.
These are just some of the ways that you can help the planet. Just small changes in our homes can help prevent waste and therefore, help uneccesary harm on the environment.
Here is David Attenborough speaking below...