An adorable new baby kitten has been born with not one, but two faces.
It's not the first time that a kitten has been born with two faces, but it is a rare thing to see.
It is a rare occurrence that has also been known to occur in other animals. It also can occur in people. When an animal or person is born with two heads, it is known as a diprosopus.
A diprosopus animal or person happens when a fetus duplicates.
When a cat or kitten is diprosopus, they are known as a 'Janus cat'.
They are called a Janus cat after the Roman god called Janus. Janus was a god which had two faces, hence why these types of cats and kittens are named after him.
The longest living Janus cats were the adorable-looking Frank and Louie, who lived to 15.
What Are The Names Of The Two New Kittens?
The two new tabby-looking kittens are called Biscuits and Gravy.
If you want to see these cute duo Biscuits and Gravy, you can do so in the video below.