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Five Ways That You Can Live Cruelty Free And Reduce Animal Suffering

Writer's picture: Jennifer JJennifer J

Being cruelty-free is about living in a way which doesn't harm animals, wildlife or the environment. Cruelty-free is a way of living that stops animal abuse, environmental destruction and animal exploitation. It is a way of life that we can all take part in and make it a daily part of our life. There are good reasons for us to do this. Animal abuse and animal exploitation can come in many forms. But usually, they come about from what we buy. Things such as food, or toiletry items, from clothing, shoes and much more. All of these are ways in which animals are exploited, abused and even killed. Just changing some of these things, can make a positive difference in the World for animals.

For example, instead of buying leather shoes, why not buy synthetic shoes? That way, no animals are killed and you don't really need to change much about your life. This kind of change is effortless, but makes a big impact! Sometimes we just look at the items we buy, without thinking much about it. We don't think of the suffering, exploitation or death which is involved in the items we buy on a daily basis. In many ways, we are detached from that reality, often because it is hidden from us. Many of the products that we buy, harm animals unnecessarily.

There are many ways that you can stop animal abuse and animal exploitation. There are many ways that you can help animals. You don't need to do all of these things, even just one would help animals!

Here, we are going to look at five ways that you can help stop animal abuse and exploitation, and live cruelty-free. Let's start with number one. 1. Go vegetarian or vegan The biggest form of animal abuse and animal exploitation that most people participate in is eating meat or animal products. Therefore, the best way that you can help make a difference to animal around the world, is to not eat them. ​

There are many products out there which are vegetarian and vegan. You can find vegetarian and vegan food with Quorn or Linda McCartney.

2. Don't wear animals Another big way that you can help animals, and go cruelty-free, is to stop wearing animals. Wearing animals causes so much suffering and cruelty to animals, whether it's in the form of leather or real fur from animals.

There are many ways in which people wear animals; such as by wearing leather, or fur. But, today, there are synthetic alternatives to wearing leather or real fur. There are synthetic leather and synthetic fur which you can wear, to reduce and stop animal suffering. 3. Animal Entertainment Although the use of animals for 'entertainment' is starting to die out, it still happens and we are a long way from stopping this kind of exploitation completely. Many animals will suffer for people 'enjoyment' through entertainment, such as through animal circuses. But, it doesn't have to be this way! Our money funds these places, and that is powerful. If we refuse to pay for animal 'entertainment', then, it goes a long way to stop these kinds of activities. You can help boycott animal circuses to make them stop.

Even entertainment that seems harmless at first glance. Such as, travel zoos, horse racing, or watching animals perform in zoos, are exploitation. There are more things to do today, in the modern world, than at any other time in history. Therefore, there is no good reason for us to use animals, for our 'enjoyment.' Try and make a compassionate change for animals. 4. Toiletries Using cruelty-free products, instead of products which test on animals, can also go a long way to stop animal exploitation and suffering. Cruelty-free products are easily marked today, they come in the form of having a bunny logo on it. There are many shops in the UK which do cruelty-free products, including the Cop-Op, Superdrug and Asda. You will find animal-friendly products in these shops. These products are not tested on animals.

5. Bin Your Litter Throwing away litter might seem harmless, but, it can have deadly consequences for wild animals. They can get caught up in or stuck in things which are thrown away, such as plastic cups or plastic beer rings. Taking the few seconds to put stuff in the bin, rather than throwing it away, could literally save an animals life.


These are just some of the ways that you can make a positive change for animals, wildlife and the environment today.

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