There are many primates in the World, unfortunately, many of these primates are endangered and face extinction. The list of endangered animals has just been published. It has been published on the Primates in Peril list. The primates have their own endangered animals list dedicated to them, which helps us to understand which of these animals are endangered, which of them are declining in population and which of them are facing extinction. Wildlife around the World is facing pressure from human activities such as hunting and deforestation. Hunting and deforestation (or the destruction of wildlife habitats), is the main contributor to species becoming endangered. Therefore, for wildlife to survive in the future, tackling issues such as hunting and deforestation is very important.
This wildlife includes endangered primates. Primates face many of the same challenges that all other wild animals face. But we're not going to go into full depth of the challenges these wild animals face. Instead, we are going to look at the group of animals known as primates, to discover the 25 most endangered primates in the World.
Let's get started. This is the World's 25 top most endangered primates, on the Primates in Peril list. . Mountain Galago The Mountain Galago is native to Tanzania. It is not known how many of these animals there are in the wild. The animal faces threats such as illegal logging. It is estimated that things such as illegal logging has made this species become a 'threatened' species. When a species is 'threatened', they are one step away from being classed as endangered. . White-Thighed Colobus The White-Thighed Colobus is another animal facing extinction. They reside in Nigeria and the threats they face are from things such as hunting and habitat erosion. We know that habitat erosion is causing a decline in the species, however, it's not clear on how many White-Thighed Colobus there are in the wild.
. Roloway Monkey The Roloway Monkey comes from Ghana. Unlike the Mountain Galago and the White-Thighed Colobus, we do know how many of these animals are left in the wild. There are thought to be less than 100 Roloway Monkey animals in the wild, which means that they are extremley vunderable to extinction. This means the animal is critically endangered; one step away from becoming extinct. . Niger Delta Red Colombus Monkey
Other primates on the list are: Grauer's Gorilla GERPs Mouse Lemur Lac Alaotra Gentle Lemur Ringed-Tailed Lemur Aye-Aye James Sportive Lemur Perrier's Sifaka Javan-Slow Loris Pig-Tailed Snub Nosed Langur Gee's Golden Langur Golden-Headed Langur Tonkin-Snub Nosed Monkey Crested Macaque Western Purple Faced Langur Hainan Gibbon Brown Headed Spider Monkey Bronean Orangutan Caqueta Titi Monkey Ka'apor Capuchin Geoffroy's Spider Monkey Northern Brown Howler Monkey