In the last blog, we looked at, What is a vegetarian?, in this blog, we are going to look at what a Vegan is.
Both Vegetarians and Vegans are concerned with animal rights issues. These animal rights issues extend to things such as animals being exploited and killed for food, clothing, shoes and beauty and household products. Both Vegetarians and Vegans share many similarities. These similarities include 1) being concerned about animal rights issues and boycotting products which harm animals. Vegans go further than Vegetarians with their lifestyle. Vegans will boycott all animal products. This means that they will not use products which have been tested on animals. It means that they will not eat meat from animals or fish, they won't eat any living creature. And, they will not use animal byproducts.
Animal byproducts are things such as eggs and milk. Instead, vegans will choose things such as soya milk. The Vegan diet is pretty straight forward.