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  • Writer's pictureJennifer J

Amazon Selling And Posting Live Animals


Amazon is allowing live animals, like lobsters, to be sold on their website. They are also allowing these animals to be posted out to customers, while the lobsters are alive.

Amazon allows these animals to be posted out and shipped as if they were an object; something that would cause the animal emotional distress.

Research that lobsters (as well as other crustaceans, like crabs) feel pain. It seems pretty obvious without the research, that animals like lobsters feel pain - they scream while being boiled alive.

We wouldn't doubt that cats or dogs screaming while being boiled alive, is evidence of them feeling emotional distress and pain. So why do we doubt it with lobsters?

When we hear news reports about the dogs being boiled alive at the Yulin festival, we don't doubt that these dogs feel pain. That they communicate that pain through screaming. So, if we don't doubt that dogs feel pain when boiled, why do we doubt that lobsters feel pain when boiled alive?

The lobsters sold on Amazon will go through distress by being posted out. They will go through further distress and pain while being boiled alive.

You can help end this by conntacting Amazon and asking them to stop selling live lobsters!

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