10,000 baby Turtles have been released into the ocean in Bali.
The baby Turtles are a species of Turtle known as the Olive Ridley Sea Turtle.
The release of these 10,000 baby Turtles is good news for this species, as Olive Ridley Sea Turtles are vulnerable to extinction. When a species is classified as 'vulnerable', they are one step away from becoming an endangered species, therefore, this news is very good for this species.

Olive Ridley Turtles get their name from the colour from the olive colour of their shell.
These animals are found in tropical regions; Olive Ridley Turtles are found in tropical regions which include the Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean and South Atlantic ocean.
The 10,000 baby Turtle were released in Bali, Indonesia.
You can see footage of the release below. šš¢š