The UK is currently experiencing a heatwave.
During this time, wildlife could do with our help.
You can help wildlife during this heatwave, by providing water for wildlife in your garden. This will help give animals a source of water to drink from.
It will also give the birds a place to bathe and cool down, if you provide water in a bird bath or large dish.
You can put a few dishes of water out for the birds - put it somewhere where the water can remain cool, to stop it heating from the sun.
You can also help nocturnal wildlife - like hedgehogs and foxes - by providing a fresh dish of water for them at night.
Providing a dish or two of water for wildlife, can help animals survive the heatwave. Weather like this can be difficult for wildlife, when there is no or little rain, and droughts can occur, so helping animals by providing water for them can help them survive the heatwave.
You can also help other small animals like insects, by providing them their own dish.
To help insects like bees and butterflies, put some stones in a small dish and put water in it, the stones help give insects a place to perch to drink the water and stop them from drowning. So please put stones in the dish.
You could also help bees and butterflies by putting a sponge in sugar water and then putting the sponge up somewhere in the garden.
Just these small acts of kindness, can help wildlife get through this heatwave, and summer. 🐝🐸🐤🐾