Rhino researchers have won the Ig Nobel Prize.
Ig stands for 'Improbable Research'. Their goal is to focus on researchers which make people laugh at first and then think.
The Ig Nobel prize was given to researchers for the way that they help transport rhinos: rhinos are transported upside down by researchers.
If rhinos are transported, it is said that they have to be transported upside down on a helicopter so that their airways don't get obstructed and it helps to continue the flow of air in the rhino's body when they are upside down.
Transporting rhinos in helicopters like this is vital to their conservation.
The reason it is vital to their conservation is that it can sometimes be the only way to transport the rhinos to a safer area away from where poachers may be. There is often a lack of roads, so transporting the rhinos by helicopter remains the only way to transport them from one area to another area.
The rhinos are under anaesthesia when they are transported, which means that they are sedated when they are transported, which stops them from being stressed or in pain when they are being transported. The rhinos will eventually wake up when they have safely arrived at their safer location, ready to live their life normally.
The journey for the rhinos is a short one.
The reason why they are transported upside down, instead of lying on their side on something, is to help keep the rhinos blood flowing.