The Marbled Cat is a small cat species that can be found throughout Asia. They look a bit like a smaller version of the Clouded Leopard, with the pattern and colours throughout their body, while their tails look similar to that of a Snow Leopard.
They are one of 36 cat species that are known to live in the wild today.
Marbled Cats are both rare and elusive. We are still finding out about these cute animals today. For example, the first population estimate for this species was only done in 2017. There also only seems to be rare footage of these animals (you can see some rare footage of this cat below.
The Scientific Name For The Marbled Cat
Pardofelis marmorata
The Family That They Belong To
Marbled Cats belong to the Felidae family, which is the animal family which consists of the worlds cats species - all of the world’s cat species belong to the Felidae family.
What Class Do They Belong To
They belong to the Mammalia class, which consists of the world’s mammals.
What Kingdom Do They Belong To?
These cats belong to the Animalia kingdom: the animal kingdom.
Where Are Marble Cats Found?
Marble Cats are found in several different Asian countries. They are known to be found in at least 14 different Asian countries, which include India and Cambodia.
Given that these cats are elusive perhaps it's possible that they are found in other countries in Asia that we don’t know about.
What Is The Habitat For Them?
These cats are only found within one habitat: forests.
What Do These Cats Eat?
Marble Cats are carnivores, therefore, they only eat other animals. They eat other smaller animals than them, including animals like birds and rodents.
Breeding And Their Breeding Season
Many animals in the natural have a specific season that they breed during, for a lot of animals, their breeding season is usually spring. However, Marbled Cats seem to be different in their breeding season, they don’t seem to have a specific breeding season.
Female Marbled Cats are pregnant for around 81 days. The female Marbled Cats will give birth to between 1 to 4 kittens every time she gives birth.
What Is Their Conservation Status?
They are a near-threatened species, according to the last time they were assessed.
What Is Their Population Trend?
It is believed that the population of these cats is decreasing.
What Is Their Population?
There doesn’t seem to be an exact number on how many of them are in the wild, but, it is believed that there are over 10,000 Marbled Cats in the wild today.
What Threats Do These Cats Face?
These cats face several threats in the wild, such as the deforestation of their forest home and dams being built through waterways in their forest home.
Behaviour Of Marbled Cats
Marbled Cats like most other cat species are nocturnal. The only time they are seen in daylight is usually about dawn or dusk, but they aren't not usually active during other daylight hours.
Fun Fact About These Cats
Marbled Cats are closely related to other wild cats in Asia.
They are closely related to cats such as Bay Cats and Asian Golden Cats.