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  • Writer's pictureJennifer J

November Garden Bird's To See

It is the middle of Autumn, the leaves are beautiful colours of yellows, oranges, browns and reds, and the natural world is getting ready for winter.

There is still plenty to see in the natural world at this time of year, especially when it comes to the bird world.

This time of year is great for spotting many different bird species, due to the leaves on the trees falling off it can help make it easier for us to notice birds.

There are a few different bird species which I am noticing more of this Autumn, so here are my top birds to look out for and watch this November!



Ravens are my favourite bird to see at this time of year.

They seem to stand out more during Autumn; the Autumnal colours of the trees help to make these beautiful birds stand out more.



Dunnocks are another bird I love watching at this time of year.

You will notice these cute birds on the ground, underneath areas like trees and hedges - it is interesting to watch them foraging around for food.

Dunnocks have one of the most beautiful songs in the natural world, that is worth listening out for, their song is like heaven on earth.



Magpies are one of my fave birds to see all year round.

Magpies are always full of life and personality, even during the Autumn and winter months. With the days being shorter and colder, the charismatic personality of magpies brings a welcoming warmness to the natural world.



And last, but certainly not least: Robins!

Robins are delightful birds they are more noticeable during the Autumn and winter months, and have one of the most beautiful songs.

To hear them, just listen out for them as the sun is going down and the day turns to dark, it is during this time that you are guaranteed to hear robins singing.

Final Thoughts

Listening out for birds singing and watching them can brighten up an Autumn day. These are some of my fave birds I like to watch and look out for.

While much of the natural world is winding down and going to sleep for winter, the sights and sounds of birds in this dark half of the year brings joy.


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