It's No Mow May this month.
No Mow May is an event created by Plantlife to encourage people to leave their lawns un-mown. The aim of this is that by not mowing you allow wildflowers to grow on your lawn, the wildflowers help wildlife.
Wildflowers like dandelions are particularly important during the spring, when their is still few flowers around for pollinators like bees and butterflies.
Dandelions are one of the earliest sources of pollen for insects like bees.
When you let dandelions grow in your garden, you will be helping provide a source of pollen for bees, butterflies, hover flies and many more.
Allowing your lawn to grow will also help other wildlife.
Plants and flowers are the foundation for all life, they help insects, birds, hedgehogs and many more animals survive and thrive.
Allowing wildflowers to grow in your garden will not only give you beautiful wildflowers to look at on your doorstep, but, will also help to provide a home for wildlife.
There are millions of gardens in the UK. It is estimated that there are 23 million gardens in the UK, with so many gardens, it offers a vast amount of space to benefit wildlife and ourselves - imagine if we all used our gardens to make a space for nature by creating-wildlife -friendly gardens, and a space to grow our own fruit, vegetables and herbs.
If we all used our gardens to help benefit nature and ourselves, we could help a new and better society which is more nature and wildlife-friendly, and one which helps to create a more beautiful society that looks more beautiful and benefits our health.
Spending time in nature is known to benefit our mental health and make us feel better, by rewilding our societies, we will also benefit from it too.
There are many benefits to No Mow May, here is who it benefits:
. Insects
. Wildflowers
. Birds
. Hedgehogs
. Nature
. The environment
. Ourselves
And many, many more.
No Mow May starts on the 1st of May and lasts throughout the month of May.