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Writer's pictureJennifer J

How You Can Help Swifts This Summer

Swifts are an iconic symbol of summer across the British Isles. These small birds are only present in the UK throughout the summer months.

The birds migrate from Africa to the UK for the summer months. The swifts will arrive in the UK in May from Africa and will stay for around 3 months.

After swifts have spent the summer here, they fly back to Africa in mid-July

The reason that the swifts only spend these summer months in the UK, is because they prefer warmer weather. As the weather starts to get cooler again and before we reach Autumn, the swifts will depart from the UK to make their way to Africa before the weather gets too cold for them.

As swifts are only in the UK for a few months, we only have a short time to experience these birds.

Swifts are easily identifiable animals.

There are a few indications that you're seeing a swift:

1) They fly up high in the sky and are always present there in the summer.

2) While in the sky, swifts are usually seen in groups or near their group.

3) These birds are very noisy, so they make their presence known.

Below is a video of swifts and the noise they make during the summer.

The RSPB is looking for people to help the track swifts.

If you are looking for a way to get involved with nature this summer and help nature this summer, then you could help the RSPB by tracking swifts for them.

The RSPB is looking for people to track swifts to help them understand the birds population. The RSPB says that the population of swifts have halved (in the UK). They believe that the population of these birds have halved because the birds have lost their nest sites on roofs. As a result, the RSPB has created a way for people to help them monitor the population of swifts through their new app.

Their new app is called the Swift Mapper.

The Swift Mapper is a way for people to upload their findings about swifts. Such as information people have on swift nesting sites that people may know about.

But, the RSPB only wants people to upload information that they see from their own garden and home. Therefore, not where you may see swift nests in other gardens or places.

They also don't want people to report on birds that they see in the sky, only nesting birds that nest in peoples gardens - this is to avoid counting birds twice, as the birds in the sky may not be local.

What Are The Best Times To Take Part?

The best months to do this are: May, June and July.

The best time in the day to do it is either dusk, the evening or early morning.

Where Do I Find The Swift Mapper App?

You can find the Swift Mapper app by going to the RSPB website - here.


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