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Hawaiian Monk Seals

Writer's picture: Jennifer JJennifer J

Hawaiian Monk Seal

The Hawaiian Monk Seal is one of the rarest animals alive in the world today. They are so rare, that there are now less than 2,000 of them alive in the wild today.

The last time that the IUCN assessed this species, they found that there were only 632 seals alive in wild, this was in 2014. However, since then, it is thought over the last 6 years since the IUCN studied these animals that the population of Hawaiian Monk Seals has slightly increased.

We know this because of government analysis of Hawaiian Monk Seals in recent years. The NOAA Fisheries (the National Marine Fisheries Service), which is a government group that focuses on wildlife conservation and manages fisheries, has found that the population of Hawaiian Monk Seals has seen a small increase in recent years. The NOAA Fisheries estimates that there are around 1,400 of these animals alive in Hawaii today.

The population of Hawaii Monk Seals living in the wild today falls under two main groups living on and around the islands today. The first group of seals live in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. This group of seals that live in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands contains the vast majority of the Hawaiian Seal population, as 1,100 of them live on these islands. The second group of Hawaiian Monk Seals is found on the main Hawaiian Islands, where there are 300 seals.

What Is The Conservation Status Of These Animals?

Hawaiian Monk Seals are endangered today.

What Is The Population Trend For These Seals?

There have been two different population trends for Hawaiian Monk Seals over the past 6 years. The last time the population of these seals was assessed by the IUCN, the population of these seals was decreasing. And therefore, the population trend for Hawaiian Monk Seals in 2014 was decreasing. It doesn't look like the IUCN have assessed the species since.

The second population trend comes from the government of the US/Hawaii, through the NOAA Fisheries data, where they estimate that the population of Hawaiian Monk Seals has increased by 3% between 2014 and 2016, showing that the population trend between 2014 and 2016 has increased. There has also been evidence recently that shows further evidence that their population has increased - the NOAA Fisheries reported last month that the 'Hawaiian Monk Seal population saw signs of recovery in 2019'.

Therefore, this animals population has been increasing over the last six years.

Where Are Hawaiian Seal Monks Found?

As their name suggests, Hawaiian Seal Monks are found in Hawaii. They are found nowhere else in the wild, these seals are exclusively found in Hawaii.

What Is Their Habitats?

These cute animals have several habitats, which are all marine-related habitats. These different marine-related habitats include: 1) Marine coastal and supratidal habitats, 2) Marine oceanic habitats, 3) Marine neritic habitats, and, 4) Marine intertidal habitats.

Are Hawaiian Monk Seals Protected?

Hawaiian Monk Seals are protected everywhere they are found today.

Are They Found Anywhere Else In The Wild?

No, they are only found in Hawaii in the wild. Therefore, they are only found in the Pacific.

Are These Animals Protected And How Are They Protected?

These animals are protected in several ways by laws. They are protected by the Marine Mammal Protection Act and the Endangered Species Act, they are also protected in Hawai'i law.

Why Are They Endangered and What Threats Do They Face?

These animals are endangered because their population has been in decline over the last few decades. There are also many other different reasons why these cute animals are endangered.

Reasons that these animals are endangered include:

. Being killed and eaten by sharks

. Habitat loss

. Habitat disturbance

. War/military exercises

. Pollution

. Climate change

and more...

Threats like these have resulted in Hawaiian Monk Seals becoming endangered and have resulted in their future being threatened - these threats could lead to the extinction of these animals in the future. Another major threat to these animals is their lack of genetic variation.

The lack of genetic variation in these animals could result in them becoming extinct. This is because a lack of genetic variation leads to weaker genes and DNA, therefore, it becomes harder for the species to successfully procreate and carry on the species into the future.

Given that there has been a small increase in their population and they are a protected species, means that there is still hope for the Hawaiian Monk Seals yet.

What Types Of Sharks Eat These Seals?

There are three different shark species that eat these seals.

The three shark species that eat Hawaiian Monk Seals are:

. Tiger Sharks

. Galapagos Sharks

. and, Great White Sharks

What Do These Seals Eat In The Wild?

They eat different species of marine animals. The different types of marine animals that Hawaiian Monk Seals eat include fish and crustaceans.

What Is Their Breeding Season?

These seals breed during the Summer months, between June and August.

Females are pregnant for 9 months, and will have 1 baby seal at the end of that 9 month period. Female Hawaiian Monk Seals only give birth to one seal at a time.

What Is Their Latin Name?

The Latin name for these seals is: Neomonachus schauinslandi.


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