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Animal Profiles: Common Ravens 🖤🍂

Writer's picture: Jennifer JJennifer J


Ravens are beautiful, majestic and mysterious birds.

They are one of my faves!

These beautiful animals are also known for their intelligence, as part of the crow family, which ravens are part of.

They are one of the most intelligent animals in the world.

We are lucky to share our world with ravens, I appreciate them, love them and am fascinated by them. This post is dedicated to ravens.

Let's start...!

Conservation Status


Thankfully, the conservation status is of 'least concern,' which means that these birds are not endangered or vulnerable to extinction, which is excellent news.

What Is Their Population Trend?

Their population is increasing, according to the IUCN RED List last assessment of them, which was done in 2016.

Their population was last assessed quite some time ago, however, there have also been other reports which say that the raven population is doing well, as in 2018 it was announced that ravens have made an 'impressive recovery' in England.

Where Are Ravens Found?


Ravens are found throughout much of the UK but are absent from much of the east of England.

Elsewhere, ravens are found throughout most of the northern hemisphere, they are found throughout - Europe, Asia and North America.

They are also found living in Morocco in Africa.

What Habitats Do They Live In?


Ravens live in a wide variety of different habitats.

Many animals are only able to live in one type of habitat, however, ravens are able to live in many different habitats, they live in - forests, grasslands, rocky cliffs and even in mountain areas.

What Do They Eat?

Ravens are omnivores, they eat both plants and animals.

They eat cereal grains, eggs, amphibians, insects and other invertebrates and even mammals. Ravens also eat carrion; which is dead animals.

What Is Their Breeding Season?

Most ravens will lay their eggs in Febuary, however, in a small amount of countries their egg-laying date is different.

When Can Ravens Be Seen?

Ravens can be seen all year round in the UK.

Ravens are a resident to the UK, meaning that they permanently live here.

What Is their Population?


In the UK, it is estimated that the raven population is between 7,000 and 8,000 birds. Although ravens aren't thought of as endangered, or vulnerable to extinction, their population in the UK does seem quite low, especially for a species that is seen as common.

Worlldwide, the raven population is estimated to be 16 million, therefore, worldwide, these birds seem to have a healthy population.

Intresting Raven Facts

The common raven has one of the largest brains in the bird world.

Ravens are intelligent birds, they are known to be good at problem-solving skills, and they are alo good at imitating.

There are always ravens living in the Tower o London, it is thought that if the ravens ever leave the tower, then the kingdom will fall.

And lastly, ravens are awesome birds! 🖤


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