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Animal Profiles: Asiatic Cheetahs

Beautiful Cheetah

Asiatic cheetahs are a beautiful cat species that live in Asia.


They are very, very rare today. Asiatic cheetahs are so rare today that they are one of the most endangered animals in the world and are VERY close to extinction. Asiatic cheetahs used to roam in a lot more places than they do today.

Their survival and future depend on us. Our actions today will determine whether or not these species survive for future generations, or go extinct. What we do today matters, and will determine the future of these beautiful big cats.

These beautiful big cats deserve to survive and live in this world in peace in this world. Let's take a look at Asiatic cheetahs!

What Is Their Conservation Status?

Beautiful Asiatic Cheetah

Sadly, these beautiful big cats are 'critically endangered' today.

With their conservation status being critically endangered, it means that they are closer to extinction than an endangered species. Essentially, as a critically endangered animal, Asiatic cheetahs are just one step away from extinction.

What Is Their Population Trend?

Not only are Asiatic cheetahs critically endangered; they are also at risk of extinction due to their population declining.

Recently, it was announced that their population had declined significantly.

What Is Their Population?

The Asiatic cheetah population is very small now.

In 2017, it was reported that the Asiatic cheetah population was only 50 cats. Recently, however, it has been revealed that the Asiatic cheetah population has declined dramatically, and there are now only 12 of them left.

This means that the Asiatic cheetah population is very low and, that they are sadly extremely vulnerable to extinction today.

Where Are They Found?

Asiatic cheetahs used to have a much wider range than they have today - these beautiful big cats used to be found in India, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

They used to be found throughout much of the middle east. Sadly, however, Asiatic cheetahs have been hunted to near extinction, today, they are only found living in Iran and have a very small population today.

With only 12 cats remaining, Asiatic cheetahs are one of the most endangered animals in the world today. In recent years, they have declined dramatically.

What Threats Do They Face?

Asiatic cheetahs still face threats to their existence. These threats could result in them sadly becoming extinct. These beautiful cats face threats such as roads (being knocked down by cars) and, the destruction of their habitat.

Other threats the Asiatic cheetah face are, a decline in the prey that they need to eat to survive and, the UN pulling out conservation funds to help save the cats.

What Is Their Habitat?

Asiatic Cheetah

Asiatic cheetahs live in habitats such as open plains and desert lands.

More Info About Them

Asiatic cheetahs are closely related to their cousins - the African cheetah.

Asiatic cheetahs are the only cheetah species that are existing in Asia, therefore, the last remaining 12 Asiatic cheetahs could be the last ever Asian cheetahs we see. If we protect them and their habitat, then, we could help stop their extinction.

What we do now, will determine whether or not Asiatic cheetahs go extinct.

Kingdom: Animalia

Class: Mammalia

Order: Carnivora

Family: Felidae

Phylum: Chordata

Genus: Acinonyx

Species: A. jubatus

Subspecies: A.j. venaticus


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