Sharks are one of the most fascinating animals on the planet. They are also one of the oldest surviving species in the world, making them one of the Earth’s most successful species ever, as they have been around longer than the dinosaurs.
Sharks were one of the animals that survived the meteor impact that killed off the dinosaurs some 65 million years ago. Sharks are thought to have survived on the Earth for 400 million years, making these animals one of the most successful animals the Earth has ever had.
Today, there are thought to be 440 known shark species. Some of these shark species are gentle giants, such as the Whale Shark, while other species of shark, such as the Great White Shark are deadly - the Great White Shark is the largest shark predator in the world that we know of.
What Is The Diet Of Great White Sharks?
Great White Sharks eat other marine animals. Great White Sharks eat other marine animals like Dolphins and Seals. These powerful big animals mostly eat other animals.
There have been occasions where Sharks have attacked people. However, it is extremely rare that sharks attack and kill people, it is much more likely for humans to kill Sharks - it is estimated that around 4 people every year are killed by Sharks, while a staggering 100 million Sharks are killed every year by humans (this includes all Shark species, not just Great Whites).
What Is The Habitat Of Great White Sharks?
Sharks are found all around the world, within the world’s oceans.
There are two main habitats of Great White Sharks 1) marine oceanic (oceans), and 2) marine neritic (which is the shallow parts of oceans).
What Oceans Are Great White Sharks Found In?
These interesting animals are found in all of the world’s oceans today.

What Is Their Mating Season Like?
Not much is known about the mating season of Sharks, for example, it doesn’t seem to be clear when they mate and when they give birth. However, what is known is that the female Great White Sharks when pregnant, remain pregnant for a long time - some estimates even think that female Great White Sharks remain pregnant for twice as long as a female human (18 months).
Female Great White Sharks give birth to between two to ten Shark Pups every time they give birth, but sometimes they can give birth to even more Shark Pups than ten.
What Are These Animals Conservation Status Today?
Great White Sharks are classed as a vulnerable species, which means that these animals are vulnerable to extinction today.
What Is The Population Trend Of Great White Sharks?
The last time the IUCN assessed Great White Sharks, the population trend of these animals was an animal that was decreasing in their population.
In certain areas of the world though, it is now thought that Great White Shark populations are increasing. For example, it was reported earlier this year that Great White Sharks were making a comeback in Mexico, which sounds like their population in Mexico has been increasing.
Overall, Great White Sharks may still be decreasing, but in some areas it looks like their population is increasing or maybe even making a comeback.
What Kingdom Do These Animals Belong To?
Great White Sharks to the kingdom of Animalia (the animal kingdom).
What Class Do These Animals Belong To?
They belong to the Chondrichthyes class. The Chondrichthyes class consists of different species of fish which are vertebrates, have fins and other characteristics.
What Family Do They Belong To?
Great White Sharks belong to the Lamnidae family. The Lamnidae family consists of different White Shark species.
What Is The Scientific Name For These Animals?
Carcharodon carcharias