The Asiatic Lion is a beautiful subspecies of Lion.
Subspecies belong to a particular group - in this instance, the Asiatic Lion subspecies belong to the group, Lions - a subspecies is a bit distinct from the main species, as the subspecies develop unique characteristics which are different from the main species.
However, the subspecies also remain genetically similar to the main species, which is why they are defined as a subspecies and not a new species.
What Unique Characteristics Do Asiatic Lions Have?
One of the unique and distinct characteristics of Asiatic Lions, compared to the main species (African Lions), is that Asiatic Lions are a bit smaller.
Another physical difference that Asiatic Lions have from African Lions is, that they have a belly fold; this belly fold is present in Asiatic Lions, however, it is absent in African Lions.
Another final, physical difference, between the Asiatic Lion and the African Lion, is their mane. African Lions are known for their beautiful manes; Asiatic Lions have beautiful manes too, however, the manes in the Asiatic Lions tend to be shorter and darker than their African cousins.
There are not just physical differences between both animals, there are also behavioral differences between the Lions. For example, the male Asiatic Lions are usually solitary animals, they only really interact with females when they are breeding. This is a pretty big difference in behavior between both Lions, as Lions are famous for living in prides, therefore, male Asiatic Lions could be said to behave more like the other big cat species, as all of the other big cat species tend to be solitary, whereas, African Lions are a bit of an outlier and live in groups.

The Breeding Of Asiatic Lions
Asiatic Lions only breed for two months of the year.
They breed in October and November every year. The breeding in Asiatic Lions lasts for several days. Once the female Asiatic Lion is pregnant, the gestation period lasts for up to 119 days.
Female Asiatic Lions give birth to between 1 and 6 Lion cubs.
The Diet Of Asiatic Lions
Asiatic Lions are carnivores. In other words, these animals only eat other animals.
The other animals that Asiatic Lions eat include Deers, Buffalos, Wild Boars, and Antelopes.
The Habitat And Geographic Range Of Asiatic Lions
Asiatic Lions are found within a forest. Today, Asiatic Lions are only found in India. They are found in India within a forest known as the Gir Forest.
Sadly, these beautiful animals have been hunted and persecuted almost out of existence - their geographic range used to be much bigger than it is today. These animals used to be present within places in the middle east such as Iraq and the Arabian Penisula.
Today, they are only found within the Gir Forest in India.
What Is Their Population Size?
There are only thought to be 523 Asiatic Lions today.
What Is Their Population Trend?
Their population is stable today. In other words, it doesn't look as if the population of Asiatic Lions is declining today, and, has, therefore, stabilized.
What Is Their Conservation Status Today?
Asiatic Lions are and endangered species today.
What Is Their Scientific Name?
Panthera leo persica.
What Kingdom Do They Belong To?
The Animalia kingdom: they are animals.
What Class Do They Belong To?
The Mammalia class: they are mammals.
What Family Do They Belong To?
They belong to the Felidae family: they are cats.