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Arabian Oryx

Writer's picture: Jennifer JJennifer J

Arabian Oryx

The Arabian Oryx is a species of animal that belongs to the Bovidae animal family. The Bovidae family consists of animals like: Sheep, Goats and Cattle. Bovidae animals are animals that have hooves. They are also mammals.

Arabian Oryxes belong to the class of animals called the Mammalia class. The Mammalia class of animals consists of all the animals which are mammals.

What Is The Scientific Name For Arabian Oryxes?

The scientific name for Arabian Oryxes is: Oryx leucoryx.

What Is The Conservation Status Of These Animals?

The conservation status of Arabian Oryxes is vulnerable: these animals are vulnerable to extinction today because of their low population.

What Is Their Conservation Trend?

Although these animals are vulnerable to extinction, the current population trend of the Arabian Oryx is stable.

What Is The Population Of Arabian Oryxes?

The current population of Arabian Oryxes is very low. Today, there are only thought to be 850 individual Arabian Oryxes left in the wild.

Arabian Oryxes

What Does The Arabian Oryx Eat?

Arabian Oryxes are herbivores, they only eat things like grass and herbs when they are in the wild, making them strictly plant-eaters.

What Is The Breeding Season Like For These Animals?

Unlike many other wild animals that mate during particular months, Arabian Oryxes can mate during any time of the year. However, the female Arabian Oryx will usually give birth between October and May.

Female Arabian Oryxes only give birth to one calf every season.

Where Are Arabian Oryxes Found?

Arabian Oryxes are found in the middle-east. They are not found everywhere in the middle-east, instead, they are only found within a few pockets in several countries in the middle-east. Arabian Oryxes are found in: Saudi Arabia, Oman, Israel and Abu Dhabi in the wild today.

What Is The Habitat Of Arabian Oryxes?

Arabian Oryxes are only found within one habitat: Arabian Oryxes are only found within deserts in the wild.

What Threats Do These Animals Face In The Wild?

Arabian Oryxes face several different threats in the wild. These threats include things such as the destruction of their habitat and droughts.

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