Oceans had the warmest year on record last year, than any other previous year on record: 2019, was the Oceans hottest year on record.
A study into ocean temperatures during 2019 was published by the 'Advances in Atmospheric Sciences Vol 37'. The study reports that ocean temperatures have been increasing, and therefore - warming, every year since the late 1990's. The warmest five years, according to the report, has been the last five years: 1) 2019 is the warmest year on record, 2) 2018 is the second warmest year on record for ocean temperatures, 3) 2017 is the third warmest year on record, 4) 2015 was the forth warmest year on record, and, 5) 2016 was the fifth warmest year on record.
This evidence shows that our oceans are warming.
Ocean temperatures are warming alarmingly fast. They are warming so fast that the ocean is warming at a rate of five atom bombs per second. In other words, it would be like us dropping an atom bomb in the ocean every single second; that is how much our oceans are now warming.
Another three reports, one by the UK Met Office, also says that last decade was the warmest on record for oceans around the world.
Climate change is warming our oceans. And it is having a major impact on our marine animals, and marine ecosystems. For example, warming oceans are having a severe impact on the Great Barrier Reef - it is causing bleaching in the Great Barrier Reef, warming oceans are having such a negative impact on the Great Barrier Reef that there was an 89% collapse in new coral reefs after bleaching had taken place.